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Royal Tournament Years - 1989

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Dates: 12-29 July 1989

Venue: Earls Court

Lead Service: Royal Air Force

Theme: The Story of Flight

Resident Band: The Staff Band of The Royal Army Ordnance Corps


Programme of Events


  1. The Birth of Flight - The Massed Bands of The Royal Air Force

  2. The Great War - The Royal Flying Corps and the formation of The Royal Air Force

  3. Musical Drive by the Kings Troop, Royal Horse Artillery

  4. The Royal Air Force Motor Cycle Competition

  5. World War Two - The big band era, The Royal Air Force 'Squadronaires'

  6. World War Two - The Band of the Warsaw Military District, Poland

  7. World War Two - The Lord Mayor of London's Salute to the Royal Air Force


  8. The Royal Navy Field Gun Competition

  9. Mounted Competitions or Special Events

  10. Airfield Defence

  11. Royal Air Force Police Dog Demonstration Team

  12. NATO - 40th Anniversary

  13. Finale - Air Power


The 1989 Royal Tournament marked the 50th Anniversary of the start of the Second World War, the 40th Anniversary of the formation of NATO as well as the 800th of the Lord Mayor of London

Royal Tournament 1989.jpg

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